The VM was created after downloading a iso file of Debian Blue ray iso and installing it to the VM.
Guest additions were required to run the VM in full screen, here is where problems started.
step1 : getting the usb tethered internet working
The Oracle virtual box does not support sharing of wifi connection (there is a trick, another blog post for that!) of host to guest, even if it supports, it is choppy at best, sometimes working, sometimes not working.
I didn't have a wired connection of ethernet variety, so the only option left was to plug in USB of jiofi modem to laptop running windows 11 host. thereafter using the virtualbox (rt control key + home) menu, selected the USB modem (listed as Android) and made it visible to Debian VM. immediately, it got unistalled from windows and got connected to Debian. Drivers were added automatically.
The device was showing in command ip address( IPconfig is depreacted it seems) as usb0 and given an ip address. The jiofi uses subnet mask. However, routing was messed up as the default routes all go to eth0, so this has to be disabled from the host first. (use vm manager, click on debian vm configuration and in Networks, select "Not Attached" in Adapter1).
The above step resolved all gateway issues etc and was able to ping the google dns Browsing was still not going through, and therefore, had to add the jiofi DNS entry (which is same as gateway) manually in USB0 configuration.
Now, internet was working fine.
Step2: Install kernel headers
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Step3: installing the guest additions
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